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Eopachydiscus Ammonites

Large Ammonites From The Famous Duck Creek Formation

8.5" Eopachydiscus, Nice Sutures!

I found this specimen at a new Duck Creek exposure I just found in November 2024. I personally prepared this ammonite using a Zoic Paleo tip on a Dremel 290. Pyrite is seen on the internal whorls, interestingly. It is better looking in person!


12" Eopachydiscus Marcianus, BIG

I found this specimen at a new Duck Creek exposure I just found in November 2024. I personally prepared this ammonite using a Zoic Paleo tip on a Dremel 290.


10" Eopachydiscus- Oliver Creek

I found this eopachydiscus sp. ammonite in July 2024 near Justin, TX. $99.99, Free Shipping in USA, International buyers will receive $10 off of shipping

Click Here For More Information!

6" E. Marcianus, Crystals Covering One Side

I found this specimen at a new Duck Creek exposure I just found in November 2024. I personally prepared this ammonite using a Zoic Paleo tip on a Dremel 290.


8" Unprepped Eopachydiscus, Nice Sutures

This 8" eopachydiscus ammonite was found eroding out of a rocky creek bank south of Lake Benbrook. Though unprepped, you can see the very nice suture patterns. SOLD

10.5" Eopachydiscus

Professionally prepared by Mercer M. Brugler of The Fossil Factory, beautiful sutures are visible on this premier specimen ideal as a main display. SOLD FOR $129.99+ SHIPPING 3/20/24

"Unprepared" Eopachydiscus

This specimen was sold at FossilMania! in 2023 but I'm posting it as an example until I have more product ready for sale (I have several in the works)

"Unprepared" Eopachydiscus

This speciment was also sold at FossilMania! 2023.

Personal Collection- My Pet Monster

A huge eopachydiscus that took about 4 hours to chisel out of a steep, rocky creek bank, this one is shown unprepared but I plan to sandpaper and chisel my way to a perfect display speciment with this one.

Personal Collection- My First Large Complete Eopachydiscus

This 15" diameter ammonite was partly protruding from a rocky creek bank before I freed it from its long-term captivity. Beautiful sutures are present on this one. It broke minutes after taking this photo, but it has been repaired.